people, places (II)

Our North Island road trip followed on immediately from the South Island one

In total, Barby and I shared about our life in India and work with Langham Preaching in 27 different Open Homes, travelling 6565kms over 35 days and sleeping in 23 different beds. We took a short break (to participate in Langham’s annual week of international meetings, via zoom!) and now, later today, we start again with a run of 7 Open Homes here in Auckland over the next ten days. It has been exhausting, but so worthwhile. We are grateful to God for so many friends who continue to stand with us and for safety as we travelled.

But back to the North Island road trip. Here are some people and places…

McLaren Falls, Bay of Plenty
Spice Quiz, in Murray & Kathy’s home, at Lake Tarawera
Hydrangeas, with new life growing amidst the old life.
Lake Tarawera

Same view, 60 minutes later

Lake Tarawera, the next morning

We had to alter the timing of the North Island road trip because of the Covid outbreak in Auckland … and so, unintentionally, we stumbled exactly into the timing of the school holidays. It meant that some families were away, but on other occasions it brought children into the Open Homes. We loved it.
Not only did Micah show up in his world map T-shirt, he took some notes!

Hannah & Josh are part of a family that prays for us on Fridays – when they have Indian takeaways.
Waiotahi Beach, near Ōpōtiki

Some bush in the Waioeka Gorge

A river in the Waioeka Gorge
In Gisborne, Aotearoa-New Zealand’s most remote city and the first city in the world to see the sun, we were hosted by Carl & Sharlene, with two of their three children, Daniel and Te Atawhai (Isaac was away at a camp). I preached at the church where they are involved as pastor-elders and had the unusual experience of talking with the National candidate after the first service and the Greens candidate after the second! I was impacted by how one of them had such a heart for God…
Carl off for a Saturday evening surf, at Makorori Beach

Barby and Shar
Makorori Beach
The idea has been to engage all the senses, with Barby responsible for Taste, Smell and Touch.
This was our smallest Open Home, in Wellington – but what a cross-section of our lives! Keith (from the Carey years), Raewyn (TSCF/IFES), Pritika (Roskill), Ross (family) and Phil (BCNZ/Laidlaw). Very special.
New Plymouth was the final stop. What fun it was, in Naomi & Andrew’s home. More kids!
I’ve wanted to stop and take a photo of Mokau for a few decades. This time I did it.
Great memories. Thank-you, one and all.

nice chatting
PS. A photo of the grandchildren, giving the Tasting section a bit of a dress rehearsal…


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About Me


the art of unpacking

After a childhood in India, a theological training in the USA and a pastoral ministry in Southland (New Zealand), I spent twenty years in theological education in New Zealand — first at Laidlaw College and then at Carey Baptist College, where I served as principal. In 2009 I began working with Langham Partnership and since 2013 I have been the Programme Director (Langham Preaching). Through it all I've cherished the experience of the 'gracious hand of God upon me' and I've relished the opportunity to 'unpack', or exegete, all that I encounter in my walk through life with Jesus.

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  1. Ken Keyte on October 20, 2020 at 8:59 am

    Raewyn and I really enjoyed and appreciated the multi-sensory experience of catching up with you and Barby and hearing the great work with Langham you've been doing training preachers around the world and your concern for them especially as they suffer through Covid.

  2. the art of unpacking on October 21, 2020 at 6:38 am

    It was great to see you both. Thanks for making the effort to come out, Ken – and for your words of encouragement. Take care, under His care for you and yours. Paul

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