
the emus

October 19, 2024 /

Apart from the eight years in which we were based overseas, Barby has been working at the Refugee Resettlement Center in Auckland since 2002. This year she is a ‘release teacher’, spending one day each week in three different classrooms, with three different age groups. Impressive—and demanding. One day is spent with 11-13 year olds—from…


a life of unpacking

August 26, 2024 /

My records show that this is my 800th post, going all the way back to 2nd February 2006—913 weeks ago. Yes, I do think about stopping often enough and I certainly think about deleting dozens of posts, but I keep going because of three loves: (a) I love chatting away to myself, shaping-ideas and smithing-words;…


vices and virtues

July 7, 2024 /

Barby picked up this board from a ‘thrift shop’ recently. Do you recognise it? Yes, it is a (very) old version of Snakes and Ladders. A game we played as kids. With the simple roll of the dice, the game moves forward by seeking to land on the ladders (which lift you upwards) and by…


images that teach (5): the lid

February 21, 2024 /

A curious thing happens in our society today. A person who asserts that death is the end and that there is no heaven can still be heard longing that a loved one be ‘looking down from above’. For those with ears to hear, this kind of thing happens quite a lot. What is going on?…


recreated—and it feels so good

January 18, 2024 /

Yeah, you’re right. That doesn’t quite have the same ring to it, when compared with Peaches & Herbs singing, “Reunited and it feels so good”. Nevertheless it did feel so good, while on holiday near Whakatāne last week, to recreate a photo of my mother—from something like 40 years ago. She died last year, on…



November 11, 2023 /

As you can see, I am blogging again, after a four month break—but now using a new platform, with a fresh address/URL. This platform has new features, including the facility to sign-up to receive posts directly into your in-box, as well as the opportunity to feature three posts on the home page. My first set…



January 27, 2023 /

Maria lived through the Nazi occupation of Holland.  At one point, at 11 years of age, she pushed her pram down a road lined with soldiers, transporting a forbidden radio hidden under her dolly.  Imagine it.  Suddenly, I have this inner stirring to be a movie director.  That is not all.  Her family hid two…


adult colouring books

January 26, 2023 /

When you are on a summer holiday in a small-ish house with a large-ish number of people and a cyclone shows up, it is time to be creative.  Barby came to the rescue, with her latest purchase from the ‘adult colouring books’ (ACBs) genre.  While they were a craze a decade ago, Barby has been…


eleven for dad

August 10, 2022 /

Goodness me, what is happening to me?  Two posts in a row focused on music?  That is waaay beyond my expertise and comfort level. But today is the eleventh anniversary of my father’s death.  He was a polished concert pianist, as a teenager — and then a bit of a perfectionist about it all when I…



March 27, 2022 /

I rest my case before I even commence.   While I watched this movie not just once, but twice, in the theatres, Barby was just as keen to do so as I was — and it is a film about cricket!  What’s more, when I watched it a third time on Netflix yesterday — strictly…



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About Me


the art of unpacking

After a childhood in India, a theological training in the USA and a pastoral ministry in Southland (New Zealand), I spent twenty years in theological education in New Zealand — first at Laidlaw College and then at Carey Baptist College, where I served as principal. In 2009 I began working with Langham Partnership and since 2013 I have been the Programme Director (Langham Preaching). Through it all I've cherished the experience of the 'gracious hand of God upon me' and I've relished the opportunity to 'unpack', or exegete, all that I encounter in my walk through life with Jesus.