
Sadness and grief at-a-distance carries its challenges.

Two years ago it was cancer that took the life of my best buddy from childhood – as well as being Best Man at each other’s weddings. This past week it was the death of Denise (once again to cancer), a precious friend and mentor whose orbit of influence was far wider than she ever realised.

Thankfully, I was able to get home to New Zealand for both funerals, with Barby joining me last week. It feels surreal, even odd, to walk into the family context when you’ve missed the final weeks and months of the journey. But God’s hand was so evident – be it by getting the final seats on planes or the family choosing, quite independently, the only day that could work for us.

As I did with Martin’s funeral, one way I thought I could pay tribute to Denise more widely is to post some of the things I said at the funeral…

This morning we
gather to grieve together
but also to
remember, to give thanks & to celebrate together
life of Denise Edwards:
            a life well-lived in the service of
us – and in the service of Jesus.

A friend, a
mentor, a role model to a small multitude spread around the world
sister to four: Margie and Frank; John and Stella
            a nana to three: Joshua, Aria and
            a mother to two plus one: Mark,
Christina & Lito
            & a wife to one – to Rod.

[To the family]
… We are all here because we love you,
just as we love Denise.
This morning –
we want to open our hearts, with you,
the promises of scripture
            drawing strength and comfort from
            that we might face this hour, alongside you,
in the love and faithfulness of the living God.

“God, your love
is stronger than death.
By you we are
all being brought to life.
us as we hear the promises of your word,
to believe them and to receive the
comfort they offer.
us as we sing the hymns which proclaim the great truths,
            to affirm them and to receive the
life they offer.
us as we linger with this community of family and friends,
            to lean into them and to receive the
love they offer.
You are the
giver of hope:
us with joy and peace in believing
That our fears
may be dispelled,
loneliness eased,
our hope reawakened.”

Our friendship with Denise goes back more than 30 years
to when she was
the receptionist with Dr Niva Thakurdas,
we awaited the birth of our firstborn.

Later Denise
and I worked together in the Extension Studies Department
highlight of these years was pizza on the floor as two families
the first night in their new home in Poinsettia Place.

We’ve worked
together in LeaDev-Langham
& in recent
years – Rod & Denise have travelled to SAIACS in Bangalore
we are based) … and how precious now is the memory
            of taking them both on a weekend
to Mysore, climbing Chamundi Hill
to Ooty in the Nilgiri Hills, &
introducing them to their first dosa.

the cancer was diagnosed – I saw Denise only the once
was the day, as the treatment intensified, when she picked out a wig
looked beautiful and rather pleased with herself…

As we’ve
cherished these intersecting chapters of life,
Denise has been
for me a woman of grace and truth.

The grace
was seen
her kindness, her gentleness, her empathy

particularly in the way she locked-in as a listener,
shutting-out everything, and everyone,

            Never judgemental, her love was
always unconditional.

            In Denise, I always felt I had an
advocate, a champion.
                        She always seemed to be
on my side.
            When emotions leaked, as they tended
to do in her company,
                        she was a retaining wall
that buttressed me
                        & strengthened me to
keep going.
            Relentlessly positive, inescapably
hopeful, enthusiastically warm
            Denise was a woman of grace.

The truth
was seen
            in her commitment to integrity, to
honesty, to accuracy, to authenticity.

            She herself was so real, so
transparent in the way she related
            and she drew out those qualities in
helping me see myself more accurately
& to become a better version of
& more like the person God designed
me to be.

you had a wee moan with Denise about something or someone,
you expressed a workplace despair…
of the way forward will be to live the truth in that situation,
to speak the truth – and know the
freedom to be found in doing so.
            Truth could be seen in the little
For example, if something needed to be
no one better than Denise to get it
could be seen in the big things:
                        For example, in
developing policies around HR and governance
                        & in developing administrative
                                    You journey
with Denise and you journey towards
and authenticity and accuracy

she was a woman of truth.

In the way she
lived her life, Denise was filling with grace and truth,
at her, linger with her & you glimpse
Jesus, who himself was full of grace and truth, at work in her.
Where her life touched you
and me in these ways,
it is because His life
touched hers in these ways.
was a channel, enabling her to be a friend and a leader

far greater influence than she ever realised.

Later on, during the eulogies, I was asked to share about our time working together at BCNZ/Laidlaw College. One area came quickly to mind:

learned a lot about leadership from Denise in those years.
thing stands out – and remains with me for always, I hope.
importance of valuing people,
particularly those people in an
for whom it could be seen
that they are there just to serve
& to help others shine and to succeed
(for example, administrative staff).
Not for Denise…
and policies need to be found
help these people to shine and to succeed as well.
is the key towards building happy, harmonious communities.
time, I’ve discovered that Denise was tapping into
principles Paul talks about with the body in 1 Corinthians 12
“Find the one who may consider
themselves to be dispensable
treat them as indispensable
Find the one who may consider themselves
to have less honour
treat the with a special honour.”
is what lay behind – and united – her commitment to Building Self-Awareness,                    to Human
Resources, to Career Planning and to Good Governance.
            And what enabled Denise to be so
effective in these areas
            is that in some pretty unique ways,
she was drawn both to people                                                                               and to the systems that help those
people thrive.

[As a homily I switched the gender and went for a ‘nana’s benediction’ from Gen 48.15-16].

With Denise in Ooty (Nilgiri Hills, India) three years ago.
We are outside St Stephen’s Church where our first boss (at BCNZ),
Ian McCleary, married his wife, Jenny.

nice chatting about Denise, even amidst the sadness


PS (much later) … our daughter, Bethany, was going through her wedding photos and found this lovely shot of herself in conversation with Denise, just a matter of days before Denise was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.


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About Me


the art of unpacking

After a childhood in India, a theological training in the USA and a pastoral ministry in Southland (New Zealand), I spent twenty years in theological education in New Zealand — first at Laidlaw College and then at Carey Baptist College, where I served as principal. In 2009 I began working with Langham Partnership and since 2013 I have been the Programme Director (Langham Preaching). Through it all I've cherished the experience of the 'gracious hand of God upon me' and I've relished the opportunity to 'unpack', or exegete, all that I encounter in my walk through life with Jesus.

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