seven churches in revelation

Looking at endless photos of other peoples’ rocks and ruins trends towards total boredom for me. They put me to sleep as quickly as the arrival of the evening hour following a nap-less afternoon.

After meetings in Antalya (Turkey), Barby and I were blessed to be able to visit the Seven Churches of Revelation with our friends, Pieter and Elria. I will limit myself to two photos from each site/city…

Ephesus (near Selcuk)
Enjoying the Roman ruins of Ephesus involves a wandering walk of almost 2 kilometres. Impressive. The Library of Celsus will remain with me (and with the bride having her photos taken), as will the roadside glimpse of the goddess Nike among the poppies.

Laodecia (near Denizli)
The white stone against the blue sky, with a few clouds fluffing around, made for photos to remember – as did the hilltop views, looking past the unrestored amphitheatre across the verdant Lycus Valley to the Roman ruins of Hierapolis and the limestone cliffs of Pamukkale. I could retire in this area…

Philadelphia (near Alasehir)
This is one of the ruins without much to see. But the testimony of a cross is something always to savour in this country, as was the fine work of the baker across the road.

Sardis (near Salihli)
Sardis is spectacular. The size and scope and setting of the ruins. Wow. Then there is the little Byzantine church snuggled next to the grand Temple of Artemis (the worship of whom was subverted and undone by communities like this one). The gospel in the public world for all to see. And what about a wash basin with a couple of crosses on it, reminding all who pass by that Jesus is Lord of all?

Thyatira (near Akhisar)
Well, actually in Akhisar. The map was vague. We spent more than an hour wandering through the hills looking for the ruins – only to find them, eventually, in the heart of this city. Again, not very impressive – but special to me. There were seven in my family. My father assigned to each of us one of the churches in Revelation (as you do!). I was ‘the church in Thyatira’ – and so a special memory of my Dad with this visit.

Pergamum (now, Bergama)
Each of these sites is so different. With this one, the focus shifts to a Roman acropolis on a hill with sweeping 360 degree views. Again, the white on blue is so beautiful – and the steepness of the incline in the amphitheatre brought back memories of the upper decks of the Melbourne Cricket Ground. We enjoyed the faltering visibility of the elderly in the comings and goings of public life.

Smyrna (Izmir)
It was a single church that caught my eye in Izmir – but that will be the subject of my next post :).

nice chatting


BTW – we enjoyed other places along the way…
The traditional site for the writing of the fourth gospel – and of the Apostle John’s death.

The site of Phillip’s martyrdom above the Roman ruins of Hierapolis, looking back across the Lycus Valley to Laodecia.

The limestone cliffs of Pamukkale, below Hierapolis. How are these are not a ‘wonder of the world’?!

What about Turkey’s ‘green and pleasant land’?


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About Me


the art of unpacking

After a childhood in India, a theological training in the USA and a pastoral ministry in Southland (New Zealand), I spent twenty years in theological education in New Zealand — first at Laidlaw College and then at Carey Baptist College, where I served as principal. In 2009 I began working with Langham Partnership and since 2013 I have been the Programme Director (Langham Preaching). Through it all I've cherished the experience of the 'gracious hand of God upon me' and I've relished the opportunity to 'unpack', or exegete, all that I encounter in my walk through life with Jesus.

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