the cup doth not runneth over – yet

You’d think that this child of India would be ecstatic about India winning the cricket World Cup. [The only other time they won it was the only time I didn’t follow it, immersed as I was in theological study in Chicago – a long way from cricket and a long time before the internet…]

No – I can’t say that I am ecstatic.

While I wouldn’t begrudge the luminous Sachin a World Cup, I do begrudge the way Indian cricket controls world cricket and I fear that this will become worse now. The global game is desperate for an ICC with FIFA-like power in the face of the Indian BCCI. They seem to have a UN Security Council-like veto on all decisions – but they are the only country with that veto! It compromises the integrity of the game when India can rig the quarters and the semis to ensure they have home games. That is just a joke. And why is it that the ICC can’t force the BCCI to align with everyone else and use the umpire review system? Maybe now that Sachin had nine lives in the semis, they may rethink their position … and I am no fan of the IPL either. But don’t get me started. It is chewing-gum cricket – tasty and vigorous for awhile, but you spit it before too long AND it is ruining the game in countries with limited cricket wealth. Oops – I just got started.

So I am a bit of a grumpy sod at the moment.
[I guess I could spend more time watching Derrick Rose of the Chicago Bulls to lift my sporting spirits…] But also things have brightened considerably as I have contemplated the make-up of the NZ team which will win the World Cup in 2015. It goes like this:

1. Martin Guptill
He will be entering his prime, only made riper with John Wright’s guidance.

2. Brendon McCullum
While I thought about dropping him down the order, I am confident that Wright will get inside the head of someone who can hit a patient test double century in India AND hit a blistering Twenty20 century against Australia. It is the combo that we need.

3. Daniel Flynn
I am a big fan – and I reckon he has a second coming coming. And a leftie as well.

4. Ross Taylor
He could well be regarded as one of the top three ODI batsmen in the world by 2015.

5. Jesse Ryder
For all his personal problems, he has a stillness about his batting which will be ideal at #5.

6. Kane Williamson
Yep, in four years time he’ll be the one able to adapt his game to anything from short singles to hitting over the top – and as a future captain he will demonstrate the mental toughness needed to bat at #6 in ODI cricket.

7. Nathan McCullum
He never lets NZ down and as the older brother he’ll want to play for as long as possible and at 34 he’ll be ready for a swan song in 2015.

8. Daniel Vettori
Yep – long before the media mentioned it today, I was thinking similar thoughts. I reckon he’ll focus on Test cricket for 2-3 years (maybe intent on becoming the first person to take 500 wickets and score 5000 runs?) – but when 2015 rolls around he’ll remember that he is a far better ODI bowler than he is a Test bowler and the lure of being on a World Cup winning side at home will be too much for him. He’ll be back.

9. Tim Southee
I’ve always been a believer – and next time around he’ll be that much better and two places higher in the batting order, contributing as a batsman as well.

10. Neil Wagner
A leftie – and he is quick, with South African DNA. That’ll do me just fine.

11. Adam Milne
I hope he doesn’t go the way of so many before him: young quickies bowling too much, too fast, too early and disappearing too quickly. But pushing 150kph at 18 years of age?! Here’s hoping…

12. Doug Bracewell
If there is a Bracewell with skill hanging around, you gotta put him in – because you’ll get plenty of attitude in the package.

nice chatting – oh, yes it was!



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About Me


the art of unpacking

After a childhood in India, a theological training in the USA and a pastoral ministry in Southland (New Zealand), I spent twenty years in theological education in New Zealand — first at Laidlaw College and then at Carey Baptist College, where I served as principal. In 2009 I began working with Langham Partnership and since 2013 I have been the Programme Director (Langham Preaching). Through it all I've cherished the experience of the 'gracious hand of God upon me' and I've relished the opportunity to 'unpack', or exegete, all that I encounter in my walk through life with Jesus.

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  1. balaji @ Dominos India on April 5, 2011 at 10:43 pm

    When i will order the dominos pizza i got one surprise and great news from other side. last time india vs australia at that time i bought one pizza. india will win first time defeat in anustralia in world cup match semi final. so i bought 3 dominos pizza they will 30 differ run.. oh next time i will bought 10 pizza. india will win by 10 balls remaining what a pretty. Same to follow the IPL 4

  2. Notsil Gerg on April 6, 2011 at 2:14 pm

    Did you notice that 3 of your top 4 (according to the official PRW rankings of a previous blog) made the WC semifinals? 🙂

    Do you think if I bribed you in some way to increase Australia's standing in these unofficial but clearly influential rankings they'd do a little better in the next world cup?

    Or is the fact that they are not doing so well lately (and Ponting is not captain anymore) meaning they get an automatic kick up the PRW ladder – at least above South Africa … please? 🙂

    Anyway, I agree with you about the ICC and the BCCI. It would be interesting to look forward 10 years to see what is to become of it.

  3. Paul Windsor on April 6, 2011 at 5:33 pm

    Well, my double-doctor friend (you can't fool me)…

    I had forgotten about the 'PRW rankings' – what an insightful piece of sports journalism that was!

    I suspect that Sri Lanka has risen to #2 – and Pakistan will be on the rise as well. Not sure about the great nation of OZ though…

    BTW after naming my team to win the World Cup in 2015 yesterday – and finding a space for Neil Wagner in it, I hear that today he took five wickets in an over (being reported as a world record but I haven't checked) with four of them clean bowled. True vindication of another remarkable piece of prophetic sports journalism.

    Good to hear from you Double-Doc

  4. Paul Windsor on April 6, 2011 at 5:40 pm

    Double-Doc – while on the subject of prophetic sports journalism, I wanted to make sure that you noted the high point of my career. The April 2007 post where I poked a bit of fun at American golfers' names – hilarious. I ranked my Top Ten, with Boo Weekley coming in as #1.
    Guess what?! The very next week – out of almost nowhere – he won his first PGA Tour event.

  5. Sterling Go on April 7, 2011 at 8:38 am

    I remember reading a Dilbert cartoon that described someone's skills as "incredibly gifted and completely unmarketable." Prophetic sports journalism seems to fit this category. Peter Fitzsimmons (SMH columnist) reckons he has the gift of antiprophetic sports journalism – although he doesn't use this particular term. 🙂 ("Putting the mockers on them" is his phrase if I recall.) Go well.

  6. Door Hangers on November 5, 2011 at 2:35 pm

    Great day today. I had news exact search from you site. I really impress to read that article. I openly I said your site will go in peak. Thanks Bye.

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