a first eleven: preaching

Oh yes, master changing techniques – most definitely!
BUT first be mastered by unchanging convictions.

Oh yes, learn to unpack the biblical text – most definitely!
BUT also learn to unpack your listeners, your world, and your self.

Oh yes, long for the Spirit’s anointing on your preaching – most definitely!
BUT also acknowledge his inspiring of the text, illuminating of listeners, convicting of the world.

Oh yes, with illustrations, be a surfer – most definitely!
BUT better still, be a habitual watcher, reader, listener, and thinker about life as it flies by.

Oh yes, aim at transformative preaching – most definitely!
BUT not by minimising the role that information plays in the transformation which prevails.

Oh yes, use an abundance of images – most definitely!
BUT not out of a diminished confidence in the power of the spoken word to create something out of nothing in people’s lives.

Oh yes, look to improve the eyes and the hands and the voice and the face – most definitely!
BUT nothing beats your own transparent and conversational passion.

Oh yes, aim at note-free delivery and maybe even walkabouts – most definitely!
BUT not at the expense of the clarity and depth which prevents it becoming a rambling waffle.

Oh yes, utilise the powerpoint slides – most definitely!
BUT only as a complement to good structure, not as a crutch for poor structure.

Oh yes, work with story-telling because it reaches where nothing else can reach – most definitely!
BUT don’t minimise the role which propositions play as the rational spine to the story.

Oh yes, become an apply-er of the truth – most definitely!
BUT first be an even-handed explainer of the truth – otherwise you will pander to consumerist forces and truth will gradually be remade in the image of listeners.

Oh yes, may God set apart some readers of this to be preachers of his Word in the 21st century (“Please, Lord!”) – most definitely!
And there ain’t no ‘BUT’s.

nice chatting



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About Me


the art of unpacking

After a childhood in India, a theological training in the USA and a pastoral ministry in Southland (New Zealand), I spent twenty years in theological education in New Zealand — first at Laidlaw College and then at Carey Baptist College, where I served as principal. In 2009 I began working with Langham Partnership and since 2013 I have been the Programme Director (Langham Preaching). Through it all I've cherished the experience of the 'gracious hand of God upon me' and I've relished the opportunity to 'unpack', or exegete, all that I encounter in my walk through life with Jesus.

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  1. cam4long on March 6, 2007 at 4:35 am

    Hey Paul,

    I was just wondering if Carey has a councelling course that it offers? Is one avaliable over a year with block courses onsite?

    It is something I have been thinking about recently and I thought I would ask you whether it would be a course that I would suit me?

    If you could drop me a line about this I would greatly appreciate it and I will fill you in on the missions trip developments.



  2. cam4long on March 6, 2007 at 4:35 am

    Hey Paul,

    I was just wondering if Carey has a councelling course that it offers? Is one avaliable over a year with block courses onsite?

    It is something I have been thinking about recently and I thought I would ask you whether it would be a course that I would suit me?

    If you could drop me a line about this I would greatly appreciate it and I will fill you in on the missions trip developments.



  3. the art of unpacking on March 7, 2007 at 6:27 am

    Hey Cameron, this is a good question. I get it asked quite often. It is obviously on a lot of peoples’ minds…

    I make the same three responses every time. So I thought I’d post these general comments as others may be interested. Then you and I can carry on our own email chat on any specifics…

    (a) I reckon a solid undergraduate theological degree should be done before any specialised counselling training is pursued. A biblical framework needs to be in place because the “counselling” area can easily attract very odd ideas about the human person, sin, salvation, healing, the cross, the past, the future… I could go on and on. It is critical that Christian counsellors engage with their subject area from within a strong biblical worldview. The best way to do this is to invest in some serious degree-level, paradigm-shifting theological study.

    (b) Counselling as a specialty does tend to attract people who have been through various hurts and dysfunctions. That is right and proper! We all have our struggles…and it is good to operate out of an experience of God’s healing grace. But what I observe is that the motivation to be involved in people-helping vocations (like counselling – and pastoral ministry, for that matter) can come from unarticulated and subconscious desires to be helped themselves. In other words people are less ‘whole’ than they need to be for this vocation. And they don’t see it … and years later stuff hits the fan. To everyone who asks me about counselling I say, ‘make sure you work through your own stuff so that you can function out of a credit, rather than a deficit.’

    (c) To answer your specific question, Carey does have two courses that are directly related to counseling … and a number of others that are more indirectly related. I think we cover the area pretty well without specialising in it as such.
    The best specific counselling training in NZ from a Christian perspective is the (two year?) diploma on offer at the Bible College of New Zealand and that is where I have encouraged people to go if they are intent on a counselling qualification.

    Hope that this is helpful without being too longwinded.

  4. cam4long on March 7, 2007 at 9:16 pm

    Hey Paul

    Thanks for your reply. I dont know that I want to pursue counselling as a vocation it is more that I think as Christians we are going to be involved in restoring peoples broken hearts and helping them into an understanding of their freedom in Christ. So I think some biblical and counselling training would be invaluable no matter which path I choose in life.

  5. the art of unpacking on March 8, 2007 at 5:09 am

    Yeah, I hear you Cameron … as I said, my comments were more of a general response. I think you are right – the counselling load in the Christian community is only going to increase in the years to come. We have to become equipped and ready…

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